Awakening Tranquility

How would you like to have clarity and calmness that opens you to know more of yourself?

Register for the 21-day meditation program now.

Many meditators feel temporary benefit from meditation, but they may not experience lasting effects on physical calmness and mental clarity unless they go away for a meditation retreat. This program offers the consistency you need to create lasting results, without going on retreat.

Harvard research proves that consistent, daily meditation over multiple weeks has positive effects on the brain. The research shows that brain tissue for learning and memory (the hippocampus) grew, while brain tissue associated with anxiety and stress (the amygdala) decreased in density. Link to article. Access the PDF of the full study.

According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), meditation improves the brain’s ability to process information, may reverse brain aging, and positively affects the amygdala’s response to negative images. NIH: Meditation benefits to the brain. Meditation Effects on Amygdala Response.

These breakthroughs in mind and body are possible for you! Lasting effects are possible by meditating for a half-hour session per day over 21 days. The program provides you with an account to track your daily progress, as well as a report at the end with measurable results based on the tracker, entry survey, and exit survey. You can use any meditation technique from your practice or from the Resources page. You may choose one meditation for the whole program or experiment with different meditations. There is no fee to participate.

Click here to register for the 21-day program

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Image credits:
Re-Train Your Brain To Happiness
Evening clouds over the sea by Nick Scheerbart